How To Take Care Of A Kitten Premature Newborn And Abandoned By TheMother

When the cat gives birth before completing all stages of gestation, newborn kittens are considered premature and need special care to survive. How to take care of a kitten in this situation worsens when the mother decides to leave the kittens.

It can be a difficult task of saving premature cat without the mother, but not impossible. With some special care, I tell you then you will give a chance to make it grow kitten and have a very happy life:

how to care for a kitten

To care for the newborn kitten, you should have a box that will be used as a nest, a heating pad, towel, syringe, powdered milk for cats, bottle.

Prepare the box to form a cozy nest for kitty. The box should have space for movement, but it should not be very large. You must be in a place without too much light, noise or drafts.

Place the heating pad, low-temperature, under a towel and put both under the nest box. This will help the kitten to maintain body temperature. The heating pad can not cover the entire bottom of the box, it is important to be hot, but much heat can also hurt you.

Feeding the kitten every 1 to 2 hours using a needleless syringe with milk powder for cats. Follow the instructions prepared by the manufacturer suggested. The amount of water should be ¼ of the total mixture of milk powder. With a week and a half of life, you can reduce the amount of water. Two weeks you can take the mixture without water dilution. When you see that you can change forces recovered the syringe by a bottle.

After eating, mild batatas on their backs to remove gases. You must also help the kitten to relieve himself. The easiest way is to open a tap and drop a very fine thread of warm water. Place the back of the kitten under the stream of water and stimulate this area with your index finger. The kitten should relieve them once every other day if you do not need the consular veterinarian.

Pet and talk to the kitten often, having no mother, be her mother's influence. thanks for read how to take care of a kitten, don't forget to share if you love it.