Sometimes we want to give our cat fruits and vegetables to supplement their diet, but we're not sure what the best fruits and vegetables for cats. In matters of cat food, not anything goes, because although there are fruits and vegetables good for cats, other vegetables are toxic to the Pussycats.
So what fruits and vegetables can give you our cat ?. The list of fruits and vegetables in the world in huge and obviously can not comprehend it all, but let's be practical and simplify a bit. In today's post, we present a list of 15 fruits and vegetables your cats can eat.
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Do cats can eat fruits and vegetables?
This is a good question, because as we said before, not everything goes. For us, in general, the fruit is as healthy and always encourage us to include more of it in our diet (up to 5 pieces of fruit a day we get to say!). We are also told that "one apple a day, Keeps the Doctor Away".
Well, this is true for people, is not the same for cats. Regarding the issue of fruits and vegetables for cats must take into account two things:
1. Fruit and vegetables for cats in moderation: On the one hand the fruit has enough sugar, and that makes cats should take it in moderation. Also, cats are obligate carnivores, not omnivores like us, which they do not need to eat as much of anything vegetable or fruit like humans. So as a general rule, fruits and vegetables should only be a supplement to the diet of our cat (not the basis of a plate).
2. There are fruits and vegetables toxic to cats: Although they like, cats can not eat any fruit or vegetable, in that are different from humans, because things that feel good to us, cats they may cause diarrhea from others rather poor and even intoxications disorders.
With this in mind, we also say that there are fruits and good vegetables for cats and offer these fruits and vegetables to our cat is very healthy and is a great idea to replace occasionally some snacks or goodies we offer, for a few pieces small fruits and vegetables good for cats.
Fruits and vegetables are natural, are free from preservatives or additives and are also high in water, fiber and vitamins, which makes them a complement ideal in cat 's diet. So if you are taking any of these fruits while watching TV and your cat asks you a few pieces, they are can give as a natural treat without hesitation, but
Remember not to go and fruits and vegetables do not represent more than 10 or 15% of the daily diet of your cat
List of fruits and vegetables for cats
Besides giving your cat some small pieces of watermelon or peach (if you like, of course) it is also a good idea to prepare some homemade dishes to supplement the feed we give them. In such meat dishes, we can add some green beans or cooked pumpkin, for example.
But those are just two examples. This is a list of fruits and vegetables for cats that have developed to facilitate your task. - No are all possible, but a good selection. Notes these 15 fruits and vegetables good for cats:
1. Apple: Cats can eat apple into small cubes small skinless or with skin but thoroughly washed.
2. Pear: Cut a few pieces of pear for your cat occasionally is also fine.
3. Peach: Peach in moderation is a good cat fruit and also tend to like them a lot.
4. Melon: Melon is perfectly suited for cats, and many love it.
5. Watermelon: Watermelon is another example of good fruit for cats tend to like a lot.
6. Strawberries: Strawberries are also good for cats and are rich in fiber and vitamin C. According to the ASPCA strawberries are not toxic or cat, or dog or horse.
Supposedly cats do not like fruit because they can not taste sugar, or so they say in some sites internet. But that's false! Although not all, many cats do like fruit and some become quite crazy about watermelon or peach, for example. So if your cat has not yet tried, give a piece to see how you react maybe snagging these natural treats! Let's use some vegetables for cats:
7. Cucumber: In my experience quite like cucumber them cats. One or two slices are an occasionally perfect treat.
8. Carrot: This is a classic. Carrots are good vegetables for cats, best cooked so that can digest more easily.
9. Green beans: Green beans cooked are also good for cats and generally like. They are low in calories and provide water, fiber, and some vitamins.
10. Peas: The GUI states cooked, another super classic cat vegetables. Peas, among other nutrients, contain magnesium, vegetable protein and vitamin B2.
11. Lettuce: Raw lettuce is one of the fruits and vegetables for cats or (vegetables they can eat cats, rather) and indeed mine eat it quite often. They usually steal bits of leaves while I prepare salads. Lettuce has fiber, water, and no fat, so it's a good "snack" for cats.
12. Pumpkin: Pumpkin is a great idea as cat food. Often used cooked meat mixed with homemade dishes and is highly digestible for cats.
Also Read: Is Canned Pumpkin Goof For Cats With Diarrhea
13. Sweet potatoes: Yams or sweet potatoes orange are also a very good choice to add to dishes homemade cat food.
14. Broccoli: Is a vegetable suitable for cats, without abusing too much as excess gasses that can cause pets.
15. Asparagus: Asparagus is also safe for cats. You can give them boiled and mixed with meat, liver, etc.
A good idea is to make your homemade cat food, which included a few vegetables boiled. Another thing to consider is that if you give them to eat a fruits or vegetables with skin, you have to wash them well because they can be toxic pesticides.
One of my cats for example, actually prefer to eat the skin before their fruit - for example eating watermelon skin and cucumber and if I neglect begins to gnaw a watermelon unopened or take shells up trash !
So the skin better washed !! If you also happen to you, or kitchens these or other fruits and vegetables for cats we can tell in the comments!