How To Choose Best kitten food?

Know what bearing the marks of kitten feed, their prices, and their quality. Do you give proper nutrition to your kitten? Is it important for your health? How to choose best kitten food? Find out!.

The first thing is to say that, in matters of kittens: We are not nutritionists animals; only Based on what we know, what we've heard and our experience. We fully respect the option of giving more natural diets Pussykittens, as raw meat or variants of diets BARF or ACBA.

Although we are omnivores, we are not in favor of animal abuse or any practices that may harm them.
We will not tell you what brand of food you should buy your kitten only offer you guidelines for the election to be as suitable as possible.

We have opted for a holistic nutrition for our kittens (we tested Almo Nature, Orijen and Porta 21 among others).

Best food for kitten

The essential nutrient feline diet should be meat. Kitten is strictly Animal carnivore. The taurine is an essential amino acid for the kitten, and only naturally found in meat.

Other nutrients you should eat the kitten are the proteins (between 30-45%) and some types of fats in smaller amounts.

Depending on the stage of kitten nutrition, your diet should contain a type of nutrient. It's not the same so you need a small adult kitten a kitten.

If you go to feed your kitten with commercial food (and, as in our case, you can combine it with other types of diets such as raw food and wet food tin can), it is important to know what to consider when to choose one brand or another.

How do you know what a food is made of meat?

On the labels you can see the components of kitten food, it is optimal that the main ingredient is dehydrated or demic kittened meat.Feed major ingredient shall be dehydrated or dried meat unfit for human consumption.

In the blog of my kittens, BARF offers the following legend, where 1 would be best. I think the fact is:

jerky or dried fit for human consumption
jerky or dried
Fresh meat
Meat meal "whatever"
Flour "whatever"

Indikittening that the meat is dehydrated or dried is important because, when the meat is subjected to this process, its weight is reduced. That is, 25% of fresh meat may end up being half in dehydrated or dried meat.

That the source is fresh meat and not meat meal is relevant since the fresh meat only goes through a process, and flour two (so that it is less natural and less close to the component that interests us: the flesh).

Types of wellness kitten food are high end are better for kitten nutrition, and no more expensive
Depending on the quality and nutritional value of the feed, brands can be classified into three ranges: low, medium and high.

Each range has its nuances, and within the same range may be better or worse feed. Read nutrition labels we can see what is the best feed for your kitten.

What is low-end feed?

The feed low end is commonly found in supermarkets. Lots of colors and lots of promise, but the very little real meat inside.

We often see that the bags of feed low-end do seem to say containing meat; with messages such as "chicken-flavored" or "meat as a main ingredient."

Feed low-end do not have enough nutrients to the kitten. The kitten is that, for the development of this feed, animal by-products are used: waste unfit for human consumption such as organ meats, hair or feathers, skin, cartilage, internal organs, beaks, and legs, etc. These are complemented by animal cereals (which, as far as we know, are not exactly the basis of a carnivorous diet).

If a feed is made of 25% beef, 10% rice, 20% wheat, 20% corn, etc. The major ingredient is meat, but in addition to that account without drying (which would then be fewer), the sum of cereals (50%) actually exceeds that of the flesh.

To finish off the product feed low-end lead colorings and flavorings. Quite evident when we see that are very distant to flesh color bright colors.

Often labels feed low-end is reported carrying all the necessary nutrients and have passed the relevant analysis (albeit with sufficient space). But the reality is that not feed our kitten as they should.

Animal by-products are not flesh and the kitten not metabolized properly. Although a beam containing iron, human metabolizaríamos not as if we do well with lentils. So does the kitten with this type of food. And cereals or other foods should not be the really major dietary ingredients Pussykitten.

What is feed midrange?

Feeds are commonly found in pet stores and veterinarians. Sometimes, some of these feeds are also considered high-end, especially in special variants like feeds or neutered kittens with little physical activity (these kittens require other nutritional requirements).

Although the veterinarian recommended us one of these brands, we should always check the label to be sure. We may warrant this type of feed traditionally ignorance or, in the worst case, by economic interest (sales commissions). So it is best to choose for ourselves.

What are feeds high or holistic range?

Holistic or high-end think is more prepared for the optimal food for kittens. The holistic movement is, in origin, an applied human concept that takes into account the personal development as a whole: mind, body and character. It promotes concepts such as exercise, healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Now the holistic concept has been extended to pets, and it has emerged the idea of holistic food. As Hippocrates said, we are what we eat. As e n holistic philosophy, nutrition involves vital body strength. For kittens, this force is given by the mentioned nutrients mainly meat, proteins, etc.

The high end usually offers adequate amounts of these nutrients and useless unnatural elements for production.

This has consequences for the kitten greet the short and long term. In our case, for example, holistic power has enabled us to reduce its pica disorder.

One of the problems that usually has this type of feed is the lack of variety in individual cases (eg neutered kittens). As solution usually go to feed midrange of better quality.

Another problem is finding these feeds; but increasingly, pet shops (especially the ones selling online) and even include holistic veterinarians to feed their product offering. And the price, as we have seen, is even lower than in worse feed.

And you, what do you think to choose best kitten food? and  what about the results?