Your Kitten Has Diarrhea? Do This Now

One aspect that many kitten owners are unaware of is to constantly review how their kitten diarrhea. Felines like any other living being, have digestive damage that can cause them constipation, and diarrhea.

Hence the importance of knowing and to differentiate a normal stool, about which you have a different color or unevenly. Diarrhea in kittens can be due to many factors, the most common are that due to a type of indigestion due to a bad meal.

Hairballs or an allergic reaction may also cause your kitten 'will release the belly'. Remember that kittens are lactose intolerant, if you are giving milk is likely to end up with intestinal problems. If your kitten likes to give it from time to time and always without lactose.

It can also be caused by an infection so in the latter case it is important to take them to a veterinarian.

Here we will mention some home remedies that can help relieve diarrhea in kittens, but if after a couple of days our small feline continues in the same way, it is important to bring veterinary care.

home remedies if your kitten has diarrhea

The first home remedies for diarrhea in kittens is called fasting: do not let your kitten eat in 12 to 24 hours but do not remove the water as it could become dehydrated.

Water is fundamental. To find out if your kitten is dehydrated should kitten him by the back of the neck as mothers caught her cubs. If the kitten's skin back into place quickly is that hydrated but it is not and should drink more water.

Earlier we mentioned that one of the causes of diarrhea is hairballs and, for this reason, kittens have long hair are more likely to suffer the dreaded Pirri Lera.

These are some of the most effective tips that can offer with regard to the way in which you can relieve the symptoms kittens with diarrhea, see some of them:

1. Change of food.

one of the most common reasons why our kittens can experience diarrhea is through food. The same food, or perhaps a kind of very artificial food can make our kittens develop irritability.

The best? It is to replace this type of food with one that has more natural or completely different from what we usually give components. Usually, when the kitten food is changed, damage or digestive problems they usually disappear.

Changes of food should not be abrupt but gradual. Remember that kittens are creatures of habit even for food.

2. Home Diet.

Another way in which you can help with the problem of diarrhea in kittens is providing another menu. It is good that this treatment is repeated at least twice a week to help with the digestive system of our feline.

Among the foods that can be given to your kitten, are boiled rice without salt or oil, skinless chicken seasoning. Also, if we possible can buy a type of food that is sold specifically for kittens who have stomach problems such as diarrhea.
To make our kitten feces can solidify add canned pumpkin that has a high fiber content.

3. Vitamins and liquids.

Other councils that are very important in kittens diarrhea treatment are to give them vitamins or supplements and plenty of fluids. Supplements allow our kitten does not lose many nutrients due to fluid loss and allows water to stay hydrated, despite the conditions they may have.
You can add probiotics to the diet of your kitten. They help restore the natural balance of intestinal flora.

4. Veterinarian.

If after a couple of days these symptoms persist, then it is best to carry our kitten to have it checked by a professional, in this way may give drugs or Indi kitten ions that may be necessary to treat a type infection in our pet.

Other home remedies for kittens diarrhea

You can try to give your kitten a little yogurt, sure to love and help combat possible infection and strengthen your digestive system. As much as you like them, do not give custard or yogurt flavors, opt for natural sugar.

It's not a home remedy as such but a way to combat kittens with diarrhea is Metamucil. It is a laxative for dogs, kittens, and even humans. Try to give half teaspoon once or twice a day. This remedy can be a way to replace fasting if you feel sorry to leave without eating your kitten twelve hours. What you should not miss is never give water.

Sports drinks can also help our furry friend recover the nutrients your body needs.

These are some of the remedies you can use to relieve diarrhea and improve the health of your kitten with diarrhea.

Remember that diarrhea in kittens can also be treated using these tips. In these cases, the most important thing is to give your kitten a good kitten food recommended by a specialist of diarrhea.

And very careful because diarrhea may be behind other more serious problems that affect the health of your kitty and often affect the liver or kidneys.

All these home remedies for kitten diarrhea should be supported, in the case of giving vitamins and fluids to the kitten, our vet, because if you apply it to your kitten something that can sit him wrong through ignorance, could result in higher evils for kitty.