The first step for the kitten to use the litter box is to present a clean box, so it is new. The kitten is clean and very private nature. It's eating area is not close to your area to deposit their waste. Therefore, it is very important to place the litter box in a corner away from his food dish. The more private, the better.
small kittens
Kittens learn by imitation. If you live with your mom, probably they are taught to use the litter box following in his footsteps. But if your kitten is orphaned, your turn to train it.
• Use the lid of a shoebox or a baking pan with low sides to make it easier to get to it. Put it in the box and with your finger play by moving the sand as if you were going to bury something. His curiosity will mimic your movement. Although not feel the need to use the box, simply learn to bury it stimulates can leave its first "deposit".
• If you use the box correctly, reward him with positive words, a toy or perhaps some food specially reserved for training.
• Do not lift the box. Let him learn to go alone. While necessary, leave some waste in the box for the kitten, the smell, learn the route to it and find it on their own.
• After a few months, change the box to a normal size. Place the cardboard cover inside the box so kitty knows that this is his new box. Once it is used several times, removed the lid board. Congratulations, your kitten is trained.
adult kittens
If you adopt an adult kitten training can be different. But there is a common denominator among all keep the box clean. A dirty box will not attract the kitten.
One trick to help the training is to have two boxes next to each other. The kitten urinates and defecates in the other. This is also successful in situations where more than one kitten in the house. Each has its box, maintaining its territory.
If you adopt a kitten who lived outside of the house, he used to relieve themselves in the earth, teach him to use the box is a different process. For starters, try to follow his "bath" in the courtyard.
Bring some soil or grass used and put on the box inside the house. The smell of the outdoor bath to help you find your new toilet.
After reading the article about How to litter box train a kitten, I hope you can immediately make your kittens can use the litter box itself. Don’t forget to share with your friends in social media, if you think my article have benefit for you.
small kittens
Kittens learn by imitation. If you live with your mom, probably they are taught to use the litter box following in his footsteps. But if your kitten is orphaned, your turn to train it.
how to train a kitten to use the litter box
• Use the lid of a shoebox or a baking pan with low sides to make it easier to get to it. Put it in the box and with your finger play by moving the sand as if you were going to bury something. His curiosity will mimic your movement. Although not feel the need to use the box, simply learn to bury it stimulates can leave its first "deposit".
• If you use the box correctly, reward him with positive words, a toy or perhaps some food specially reserved for training.
• Do not lift the box. Let him learn to go alone. While necessary, leave some waste in the box for the kitten, the smell, learn the route to it and find it on their own.
• After a few months, change the box to a normal size. Place the cardboard cover inside the box so kitty knows that this is his new box. Once it is used several times, removed the lid board. Congratulations, your kitten is trained.
adult kittens
If you adopt an adult kitten training can be different. But there is a common denominator among all keep the box clean. A dirty box will not attract the kitten.
One trick to help the training is to have two boxes next to each other. The kitten urinates and defecates in the other. This is also successful in situations where more than one kitten in the house. Each has its box, maintaining its territory.
If you adopt a kitten who lived outside of the house, he used to relieve themselves in the earth, teach him to use the box is a different process. For starters, try to follow his "bath" in the courtyard.
Bring some soil or grass used and put on the box inside the house. The smell of the outdoor bath to help you find your new toilet.
After reading the article about How to litter box train a kitten, I hope you can immediately make your kittens can use the litter box itself. Don’t forget to share with your friends in social media, if you think my article have benefit for you.