During the first month of life, kittens are exclusively breast milk and may become constipated (kitten constipation). Your digestive system will be adjusting incrementally as from the month you add to feedings feed suitable for softened with warm water or cans for kittens age.
Cat food routine is pretty simple: eat, drink water, go to the litter box and deposited waste. This last step is not always successful. If you notice that your cat will the box but cannot defecate may be suffering from constipation.
Also Read: Choose Best Cat Food For Constipation
The problem is more common than you think but it is no longer dangerous. Pussycat should proceed to check at least once a day. If you notice it's been more than two days without a bowel movement, take it to the vet.
If the problem is not treated, the stool is again absorbed by the body creating a layer in your intestines.
Kitten constipation symptoms:
• Failure to pass (in accompanied sometimes pain)
• Dung as small balls and hard consistency
• Leave their tanks outside the sandbox
• Excrement is accompanied by blood or mucus
• Loss of appetite: Watch your food but you do not want to eat
• Lethargy
• No combing
• Vomiting
Causes kitten constipation:
The main cause appears to be diet, but other issues are mixed.• Diet low in fiber. Many of the foods we get in the market contain large amounts of carbohydrates, little water (if dry food) and almost no fiber. None of this helps easy removal. The digestive system of the cat is accustomed to a diet of raw meat and even the Pussycat is born and raised at home, eating habits still keep characteristics of their wild ancestors.
• Hairball. It is natural for the kitten vomit hairballs, but if the pussycat has long hair and no combing often swallow more hair than normal and it builds up in your intestines hindering the process.
• Dehydration.
• Has swallowed an object as tape or fabric.
• Cat is obese and causes difficulty using the litter box.
• Suffered any trauma on or near the litter box and avoid at all costs. Pussycat understood that the case is part of their problem and prefer not to visit.
Kitten constipation treatment you can do:
We have ways of dealing with the problem at home, but if it lasts for more than two days, take your cat to your veterinarian, he will decide if the problem can be solved at home or needs your professional help.
home remedies for kitten constipation:
• Change of diet: Any help home remedy at the moment but if your cat already has the tendency to suffer from constipation, consider changing your diet to a raw meat. If your pocket it cannot be tolerated, ask your veterinarian about foods high in fiber help in digestion.
Tip: Pumpkin to the rescue. Add a spoonful of pumpkin (you get canned) to your meal. Being high in fiber helps digestion. To this list, you can also add some wheat cereal Quantities must be prescribed by a veterinarian. More is not always better. You can do more harm than good.
• Combine the kitten daily.
• If the cat is long hair it is beneficial to keep the area of the cut hairs year.
• Exercise your cat. Exercise moves its skeleton and all you have inside. Try to encourage the cat to have two sessions daily exercise. Not only it helps keep weight also helps the intestine.
In the Vet: If home treatments fail, the veterinarian must intervene.
• Treatment of intravenous fluids to hydrate• Give laxatives or mineral oil
• Enemas (a procedure in which liquid or gas is injected into the rectum, typically to expel its contents, but also to introduce drugs or permit X-ray imaging)
• Surgery. As a last resort, with the cat under anesthesia, excrement is removed from the body by the hands of the veterinarian. Unpleasant for all beings involved.
So kitten constipation can be prevented with a good diet, exercise and lots of water.