This Is Smells That Cats Hate

What are the smells that cats hate?

The ancient Greek historian Plutarch once remarked that cats, being outrageously manic cleaning, crazy with unnatural odors would become, not endure.

We begin by explaining that the sense of smell of a cat is about fourteen times stronger than a human. This is largely because the nasal organ of a cat is much larger than that of a human being, despite his restrained external appearance, the olfactory system of a cat stretches across almost its entire head.

Benefits of the olfactory system of a cat

The olfactory system serves the animal to smell his enemies and detect potential dangers of their surroundings.

Cats (along with snakes, lizards, and many other mammals) has a body known as the organ vomeronasal (popularly known as the Jacobson's organ). In essence, this is a very strong receiver, primarily pheromones.

This gland is in the cat's mouth, so it often seems they are doing a grimace or a smile to sniff some particular odors. Cats may wince at times, but this does not necessarily mean that this is one of the hate odors.

At birth, even before opening his eyes, nose and it leads him to food. This makes them well locate his mother, and above all, the nearest nipple.

Unlike primates, cats are primarily olfactory hunters. This is not to say that the eyes of cats are lower, but this animal does not depend so strongly on vision as any.

Smells that cats hate

  • Citrus . Lemons, limes, oranges or the like.

  • Bananas . Smell, or even brush against one of these foods; They do not support it.

  • Dirty litter box. If for you, his litter box smells bad smell for it ten times worse, and not supported. It will be able to make your own sandbox with a carpet or sweater you find at home.

  • Mustard . In general, all the variety of spicy foods.

  • Some soaps and deodorants. You must be careful how clean his litter box product or dish as some cleaning products may scare your cat from afar.

  • Certain plants. The scents of lavender, rue, geranium, wormwood, or thyme are some of the cats hate exceedingly.

  • The smell of onion or vinegar.

It is not systematic

It is important to note that, as in people, nothing is universal. There will be cats that do not support these odors and hate them, and on the other hand, there are others who do not support them.

Like everything in life is based on experience, you can do the test with your cat, and quickly will verify if your taste or not. Try small amounts, because if it is not to your taste you'll have to get rid of your home product emits the smell.

Some of these scents are used, however, to scare away cats. As is known to hate, if you're not interested in having any cat in your home or keep your intact plants, it is a good option to avoid this animal. Are my article what smells do cats hate useful? don't forget share it.