5 Facts about cats paws

There is much more in small and cute cats paws that sharp claws. We tell you some things you might not know about your color, you’re walking style, communication and more. You may think of your cat's paws, in the same way, you do on your feet: they are to stand and walk on them, and not much else. But the legs of cats are designed to help them become better predators than they are. Then in May data on cats paws you should know if you own one:

1. Cats walk on their toes.

Your cat is an animal digitigrades, which means that instead of walking on his heels and soles of the feet, as we do, walk only supporting the fingertips of his legs. The small size of its legs and its soft pads make it easy for him to move very quietly through all types of terrain.

Your cat is an animal digitigrades, which means that instead of walking on his heels and soles of the feet, as we do, walk only supporting the fingertips of his legs. The small size of its legs and its soft pads make it easy for him to move very quietly through all types of terrain.

2. The footpads of cats are strong, resilient and responsive.

The pads of skin on the legs of cats are strong enough to provide protection against punctures when they are walking on rough terrain but do not offer much insulation against extreme temperatures. Why? Because nature offsets such resistance that has pads with great sensitivity to hunt effectively. The footpads are loaded with touch receptors that allow the cat to evaluate the texture, location and liveliness and energy of its prey. Another effect of this exquisite sensitivity with cats to play with their feet is that they can detect very quickly how hot or cold is a surface.

The pads of skin on the legs of cats are strong enough to provide protection against punctures when they are walking on rough terrain but do not offer much insulation against extreme temperatures. Why? Because nature offsets such resistance that has pads with great sensitivity to hunt effectively. The footpads are loaded with touch receptors that allow the cat to evaluate the texture, location and liveliness and energy of its prey. Another effect of this exquisite sensitivity with cats to play with their feet is that they can detect very quickly how hot or cold is a surface.

3. His legs leave a trail used to communicate.

Cats have hidden glands between the pads of their feet that secrete oil with a scent that only cats can detect. When your cat scratches a surface like a scratching post, a tree or your sofa, deposited some of her perfume, to leave a message to other cats, something like a graffiti that says: I was here!

4. Cats sweat through their paws.

If you've ever been a nervous cat to the vet and have seen small marks of his paws on the table where the veterinarian examines it, that's the sweat of your cat. The sweat glands present in the footpads of cats not only help keep your body temperature balanced but also start operating when they are very nervous.

5. The footpads of cats are the color of your hair.

The pigment that gives color to the skin of cats also gives color to your skin, so if you look at the footpads of your cat, you will usually be the same color as your cat. Black cats have black pads, gray cats are gray pads, the orange (or red) cats have orange pads, and when it comes to cats multiple colors, anything goes.
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