Difference between vegetarians and vegans
More and more people who for ethical, reasons religious, spiritual health or opt for a vegetarian or vegan diet But, you know what each one of these two options? What does being vegetarian or being vegan?
1. Vegetarians:
The vegetarians reject the consumption of products involving the death of the animal, so do not eat meat or fish, but eat milk, yogurt or eggs.
2. Vegans:
The vegans go beyond and do not eat any product obtained from an animal. That is, do not eat meat or fish, but no milk, cheese or eggs, even honey.
The reason is that these people are very sensitized animal abuse and do not want to consume products from animals that are raised in intensive or caged farms. Those who refuse to eat honey, do so because they believe that the bees work for themselves, ie, to feed their hive and remove honey is as a "theft" to these animals. what do they eat? Everything else, ie, fruits, vegetables, nuts, lentils, wheat, rice and other grains, and vegetable oils.
Are there vegetarian cats?
In its natural state does not exist vegetarians cats, but there are very conscious people against animal suffering that their cats are turning to green diet. That's right , some people who have opted for vegetarian or vegan diets are trying to get their cats imitate their model diet. These people who are against animal abuse do not support the idea that to make feed their pets meat is used and meat products.Related Article: Fruits And Vegetables For Fruits
Today do exist cats vegetarians (or rather, cats are carnivores by decision of their owners take a vegetarian diet). However, in the market there are very few brands to prepare special food for vegetarians cats, and prepare homemade food for vegetarian cat is not at all simple , let 's see why.
Can a cat be a vegetarian?
One thing is that cats who like to eat vegetables occasionally ( a piece of leaf lettuce, pea or carrot Alun), and another is that exclusively feed on vegetables.
It is clear that being a vegetarian human is a good choice, but what about being a vegetarian cat , or even vegan? Is it good or dangerous for them? We tell some differences between humans and cats when feed:
1. Cats are pure carnivores:
Humans are omnivores by nature. We can consider that the dogs are also omnivores (eat meat, but also cereals, vegetables and fruit), but not cats. You should know that cats are not like dogs in this regard. Cats are pure carnivores . For this reason, the percentage of meat which must contain the diet of a cat is much higher than the dog.
2. Cats have too short intestinal tract to digest vegetables:
The cats have a relatively short intestinal tract , and certainly much shorter than ours. This is because it is a pure carnivore, and meat requires less length to their nutrients absorbed in the intestine. Vegetables have lots of fiber and are more difficult to "process" and absorb, so herbivores have longer tracts.
3. Cats can not produce some essential nutrients:
Vitamin A and D: Cats are not able to produce vitamin D, so strength must take her in your diet. Specifically cats need vitamin D3, of animal origin (vs. vitamin D2 for example, which is of vegetable origin).
4. Cats need taurine:
Humans and dogs are able to produce it , but cats can not produce taurine. For cats is an essential amino acid that must take in food . And what foods contain it ? Taurine is found in meat, for example in the chicken . Specifically , the liver and heart chicken contain large doses of taurine.
In addition to their feed, it is good to give cats meat, fish and liver chicken. A meatless diet, the cat will result in nutritional deficiencies. It is like trying to feed a horse meat ... simply goes against nature. The same goes for cats, because their bodies have adapted over thousands of years to eat almost exclusively meat. With dogs it is different as to offer a balanced diet a dog is easier to prepare for a cat.
What can happen if I do not meat or certain nutrients in it to my cat?
If you do not give meat or meat feed made with a cat and this gets to receive insufficient quantities of some nutrients such as taurine or certain vitamins or fatty acids , your cat could develop health problems, for example: Insufficient vitamin A can cause deafness in the cat and problems of bones, of skin, intestinal and reproductive. Insufficient taurine: may cause cardiomyopathy (muscle disease heart ) and other problems like loss of vision.
How do you manage to survive cats vegetarians?
If a vegetarian cat should be deficient in some nutrients ... why many cats with vegetarian diets survive and not die within a short time? The answer is that cat owners buy with vegetarian diets vegans or vegetarians or cook feed and special recipes prepared for them, where they provide food supplements (eg artificial taurine).
There are specialized websites vegetarian cats where cat owners who have chosen these diets share their experiences, recipes and tricks. Also being published books on this subject in which if instructed to type of supplements and in what quantities should be given to pussycats.
Many owners of vegetarian cats have their cats have already 8 or 10 years and do not experience health problems. If they say it will obviously be true (what would invent something), but the truth is that currently there is no evidence of scientific studies supporting that a vegetarian diet is good for cats.
If anyone has a vegetarian cat you can include your experience in the comments and so share the information!. So, instead of such a complaint, say a solution! Why not cook fresh homemade and natural food for your cat, even once or twice a month? So we can combine it with feed that usually give to our pets.