List Of Hypoallergenic Cats You Must Know

Although there are no races hypoallergenic cats - all cats produce at least some allergens - are seven breeds that produce fewer allergens than others. This list of cats hypoallergenic should not be the only thing you have to consider when what breed of cat adopts decided, however, be sure to consider all the characteristics of each race to determine which is the best choice for your home.

What makes a cat is hypoallergenic?

Low allergen or "hypoallergenic" cats are those that typically produce fewer allergens than the "common" of cats. The key word here is "less". Hypoallergenic is not synonymous with non-allergenic, and no race is completely non-allergenic. Protein (Fel d1) is the allergen in cat saliva and is causing problems for allergy sufferers, but also produced by the sebaceous glands of the skin.

Once your cat licks his coat, saliva laden with allergens in the air is dry and moves, looking for somewhere warm, such as the nose and sinuses. Some breeds of cats produce less of this protein than others, so they call hypoallergenic.

Several factors affect the production of allergens in cats:

  • Produce more males than female’s allergenic secretions.

  • Whole males produce more allergens than barrows.

  • Dark cats tend to produce more allergens than light colors (do not know why).

  • Kittens produce fewer allergens that adults.

  • Therefore, a cat spayed light colored might work better for people with allergies to cats.

The List of hypoallergenic cats

Three of the seven races are hypoallergenic eastern lines: the Balinese, Javanese, and Oriental Shorthair. This provides several options for cat lovers who would like to cat allergen low, with the characteristics of the popular Siamese twins.

  • Balinese: Often referred to as the "longhaired Siamese", the Balinese seem an unlikely candidate for a hypoallergenic cat. However, it is one of the few races that produce less Fel D1 protein than other cats, which causes fewer allergic reactions in allergy sufferers.

  • Oriental Shorthair: classic cats are slim and stylish body with a long face rather than round. They are hypoallergenic, but despite this, however, is good practice grooming your cat frequently (brushing down) to keep dander at a minimum.

  • Java: Like the Balinese, the Javanese have only one layer medium-long hair and matte colors. Due to the lack of this layer, meaning that less hair, which results in fewer allergens.

  • Devon Rex: They have a unique curly and two hair, Devon has shorter hair and less hair. Your Devon Rex needs to clean the accumulation of oil more frequently in the paw pads and ears but does not need frequent full bathrooms, like the Sphinx or Cornish Rex.

  • Cornish Rex or Cornish Rex requires more maintenance than Devon, and you need frequent baths to mitigate the accumulation of fat in the skin.

  • Sphynx: The Hairless Sphinx cat is most often associated with being hypoallergenic. Being hairless not mean they are maintenance-free, your Sphynx needs frequent baths to remove the buildup of oils in your skin and large ears also require frequent cleaning.

  • Siberia: Like the Balinese, Siberian cats have a layer of longish hair, but still are hypoallergenic, due to lower levels of enzymes in their saliva than average. There are studies that say that 75 percent of patients allergic to cats have no reaction to the Siberians.

After you have brought home a hypoallergenic cat

It is important to understand that the adoption of a "hypoallergenic" cat may not be the panacea that was waiting. Before adopting a cat, spend some time with him or a cat of the same race, to see if their allergies remain under control.

If you purchased your cat from a breeder, ask if you can return the cat if your allergies are still a problem (reputable breeders will allow you to do so). Better yet, adopt a rescue organization, they always accept returns. Once you have a cat, there are steps you can take to reduce allergens even if it is a hypoallergenic or race:

  • Frequent bathing and brushing

If you are allergic, it is best to leave the process to a barber or a family member.
Research has shown that washing your cat two to three times a week can eliminate up to 84% of existing allergens and reduce future production of allergens. Some claim that the use of distilled water in the bath can also reduce allergen levels. Frequent brushing will reduce the amount of loose hair and dander in your home.

  • Wash toys and bedding cat

Washing cat toys and bedding: the number of allergens floating around them is also reduced. Do it at least once a week. Do not touch !: After touching your cat, wash your face and hands. Never touch your eyes or face before you have done.