You walk thinking that your family could improve if bring a new furry friend? If so, before adopting a cats, it is very important tips to consider a number of things to make the right decision is made.
We can not forget that we are talking about animals, that is, of living beings, which have a life expectancy of about 20 years, and what most want is a home where they really want to like one of the family , and not as an object of decoration.
Many times, carried away by their emotions of the moment, or the words his son or his grandson said, there are people who carry a cat home where the beginning is well received, but as time passes, every time It is made less case. To avoid this , I'll give you a few tips for adopt a cat.
Tips on adopting a cat
- Talk with family
It is very important to talk to the family, let everyone know what you want to do for everyone to participate. If there is someone who does not like cats, if only one person, it is best to wait a little longer to convince. The "surprise gift" do not usually end well.
Also, if finally among all you decide adopting a cat it does want a cat and you are going to be willing and able to care for the rest of your life, then he will talk about an equal issue important: you can jump on the sofa or bed? Can he sleep with children? We must establish basic rules , even before it reaches the animal home so that, again, all responsibility for their education.
- Kitten or adult cat?
Would you like a puppy that educate or prefer an adult cat that already has formed his character? The former are very adorable, but they need to be far greater attention than adults. On the contrary, the latter often end up in animal shelters after spending a few years with a family that supposedly would want him forever.
The decision adopting a cat is very personal. It depends on the time that you dispongais choose one or the other. Just do not I recommend you go with an idea already made since the end will be that makes you feel that "something" so special to go home with you. Thats adopting a cat tips so you can make sure about having a cat in your home. share it if you like the article.