Surely you've ever heard of rabies in dogs, a disease that affects all mammals and can even infect humans. In cats rabies is not a very common disease, it is very dangerous because it has no cure and causes the death of the animal.
If your cat often leaves home and is in contact with other animals must take account of this disease, inform about it and take the necessary measures to prevent it.
Keep in mind that a bite from an infected animal is enough to contagion. If you want to know how do cats get rabies and first signs continue to read this article.
Also Read: How Often Do Cats Need Rabies Shots?
What is rabies?
The Rabies is an infectious viral disease that affects all mammals and therefore cats can get it too. It is a serious disease that usually causes death; it affects the central nervous system causing acute encephalitis in patients.
Infected is spread through the bite of animal or injury during a fight with a sick animal rage. Importantly does not arise spontaneously, it must be transmitted by another animal, so if your cat suffers from this disease means that at some point has been in contact with another infected animal or their remains. The virus is present in secretions and saliva of these animals, so a single bite is enough to transmit the virus.
Bats flying day, erratically and possibly colliding with objects suffer from rabies, so never let your cat go near them.
Unfortunately, rabies is a disease that has no cure. It is rare and causes the death of most infected cats.
Feline rabies vaccine
The rabies vaccine is the only method of prevention of rabies. The first dose was applied to three months old and then there are annual boosters. Usually periodically vaccine to dogs but not cats, so you should consider whether your cat is exposed to risk areas or if in contact with wild animals. If so, it is the best vaccination.
There are regions in the world with greater risk than others. In Europe, rabies is almost gone, but occasionally an isolated case arises. Find out about the presence of the disease in your place of residence to be alert and prevent your cat from getting rabies. In some countries, it is the mandatory vaccination against rabies.
This vaccine is required to leave the country with your cat or participate in contests or exhibitions in Spain. But if your cat does not go outside ever, maybe your veterinarian not administer it deems necessary.
There are several stages in rabies in cats:
1. Incubation period: it is asymptomatic, the cat no obvious symptoms.
This period varies greatly and can last from a week to several months. The most common are beginning to show symptoms from the month after infection. In this period the disease spreads throughout the body.
2. Prodromal period: at this stage and changes in behavior.
The cat looks tired, with vomiting and excitability. This phase can last between two and ten days.
Phase excitation or furious is the most characteristic of rabies phase. The cat is very irritable, very abrupt changes in behavior, being able to bite and strike.
3. Paralytic phase: s and produces general paralysis, spasms, coma and eventually death.
The period between phases varies from the cat. The most common are to start with changes in behavior until the nervous system is greatly affected and seizures begin and other nerve problems.
Rabies cats Symptoms
The symptoms are varied, and not all cats have the same:
- Anomalous meows
- Atypical behavior
- Irritability
- Excess salivation (drooling)
- Fever
- vomiting
- Loss of weight and appetite
- Aversion to water
- seizures
- Paralysis
Some cats do not suffer from vomiting, others do not drool excessively, and others may suffer a nervous box and died suddenly. On the other hand, aversion or fear of water is a symptom of animals suffering from rabies, so also known as hydrophobia disease. However, cats do not like water so normally will not be an obvious symptom.
Also Read: Rabies Immunization Of Cats
Many of these early symptoms, especially in the first stages, can be confused with other diseases. If these symptoms on your cats and has been a fight recently, go to the vet as soon as possible. Only he or she can get you out of doubt.
Rabies cats treatment
Rabies has no treatment. It acts very quickly and is lethal to cats. If your cat has been infected, the first thing will be to isolate your vet to prevent spreading to other felines. Depending on the progress of the disease, euthanasia is the only option.
This is why prevention is very important since it is the only way to protect our cats against this disease. Your cat needs special attention if he leaves home and is in contact with other animals.
Remember that anger affects dogs, cats, ferrets, bats and foxes. Any fight your cat with these animals can cause a contagion. If your cat is prone to fighting, we recommend vaccinated.
This article is for information only we have no power to prescribe veterinary treatments or make any diagnosis. We suggest you to take your pet to the vet if present any condition or discomfort.