How To Train A Cat Not To Scratch Furniture

The cat is an animal difficult to train. Unlike the dog, which in the wild live in packs where there are order and hierarchy, the cat in the wild is a Lonely Hunter resulting in a domestic state in a pet that will not make any effort to adapt to the group and you learn what interests you. A cat with long nails will scratch, so how to train a cat not to scratch furniture?.

For the cat is an innate and instinctive behavior of exercise, hygiene and maintenance of their hunting weapons and defense. It is also a way to mark their territory and to scratch your fingers off a scent mark that humans do not perceive but that he and the other cats are unmistakable. Therefore, the cat has to scratch, which can get the cat is scratching where we want and do not scratch the couch or furniture.

how to train kittens not to scratch furniture

1. It’s been often wild cat scratching tree trunks must purchase a scraper that most closely resembles the tree Large and mostly stable. A cat will never get used to scratch in an unstable scraper to move when using it. This type of scraper is often expensive but is a good investment because what we spend on it will save scraper sofas, furniture or carpets.

2. We can make our own scraper cat with a piece of log that will place at home in the most stable position. The disadvantage of this option is that leave residues in soil trunk whenever scratch. We can avoid putting turned on a mat or on a tray for large pots. Important it is that the whole is stable, hold the weight of the cat and do not move when the cat use.

3. Whether you buy and if you decide to do it ten scrapers ready when the cat comes to your house to get used to scratch there since very small.

4. To draw it to the scraper can use toys, treats, petting ... if a cat enjoys brushing, brush him near the scraper so that it becomes a pleasant place for him.

5. The cat scratches always in the same place: they are creatures of habit and also the same odorous brand draws have left them scratching at the same place. This vicious circle is very hard to break into an adult cat. We can try spraying with pheromones (can be purchased at veterinary shops) where we do not want to scratch and spraying citrus twist the place you do not want to scratch.

We may also find veterinary shops repellent pheromone for cats to spray the place where we do not want to scratch but we can save this purchase rubbing peel of citrus fruits regularly in places we do not want to scratch the cat. It usually works well and leaves a pleasant smell to humans.

6. Put the scraper in place that the cat has begun to scratch and get him away very slowly, half a meter every day or so.

7. Whenever the cat begins to scratch the unwanted place with a spray with water (or anything you do not like) without the cat sees you. The aim is that the cat related scratching in prohibited with an unpleasant outcome place so it is very important that the cat does not see you're the one who sprayed since then relate the spray with you and scrape in there when you're not.

8. This article is informational in have no power to prescribe any veterinary treatment or perform any sort of diagnosis. We invite you to bring your pet to the vet if present any kind of condition or discomfort.

We must be realistic with our goals about how to train a cat not to scratch furniture. Hardly have we got the cat used to scratch a scratching post we put on the other side of the house. As far as possible we should leave the desired nearest of the unwanted scraper.