Siberian cat, also known as cat. Siberian forest cat is a breed that was created naturally in the forests of Russia by crossing domestic cats and wild cats. It is a large longhaired cat that stands out other breeds of cats sociable animals. The Siberian cat is perfect for allergy sufferers do not want to give up having a cat as their saliva has fewer amounts of the protein Fel D1 that is most often cause allergies in people.
The Siberian cat is a stocky, muscular and agile cat. Compared to other breeds of cats is slowly maturing: reaches its final size to 20 months and continues to develop up to 5 years. The hair may be of any color and pattern and there is a sub-race Neva. Masquerade is the Siberian cat with Siamese color pattern. It is a big cat: adult females usually weigh between 4 and 6 kg and males between 5 and 8 kg and more muscular than females.
The Siberian cat is sociable, gentle and very affectionate with its owner. It is a cat ready with a high capacity for learning and often answer the call. Unlike males, the female Siberian cat may have escapist attitudes especially in times of heat.
The Siberian cat has a thick, long hair what to brush it frequently (at least 2 times per week), especially in molting. The molting can be constant if the Siberian cat lives in a flat. Siberian cat hair is waterproof so it has little tendency to knot.
The Siberian cat is a cat breed naturally, the human hand was not involved in its development, so it is a particularly healthy breed that unlike other breeds of cats has specific genetic diseases.
In the Siberian cat stand rounded lines on the head, ears, and eyes. The legs are wide and the back are longer than the front. The tail is wider at the base than at the tip and has long and very dense hair.
This article is purely informative, have no power to prescribe any veterinary treatment or perform any sort of diagnosis. We invite you to bring your pet to the vet if present any kind of condition or discomfort.
The Siberian cat is hypoallergenic so equal means to cause fewer allergies than other breeds of cat but can cause allergies. The amount of secreted allergens can vary from one specimen to another. If you suffer from cat allergy before purchasing a Siberian cat found to cause allergies really do not think the issue you acquire.
physical features:
The Siberian cat is a stocky, muscular and agile cat. Compared to other breeds of cats is slowly maturing: reaches its final size to 20 months and continues to develop up to 5 years. The hair may be of any color and pattern and there is a sub-race Neva. Masquerade is the Siberian cat with Siamese color pattern. It is a big cat: adult females usually weigh between 4 and 6 kg and males between 5 and 8 kg and more muscular than females.
Siberian cat behavior.
The Siberian cat is sociable, gentle and very affectionate with its owner. It is a cat ready with a high capacity for learning and often answer the call. Unlike males, the female Siberian cat may have escapist attitudes especially in times of heat.
Care Siberian cat
The Siberian cat has a thick, long hair what to brush it frequently (at least 2 times per week), especially in molting. The molting can be constant if the Siberian cat lives in a flat. Siberian cat hair is waterproof so it has little tendency to knot.
Health Siberian cat
The Siberian cat is a cat breed naturally, the human hand was not involved in its development, so it is a particularly healthy breed that unlike other breeds of cats has specific genetic diseases.
Siberian cat body
In the Siberian cat stand rounded lines on the head, ears, and eyes. The legs are wide and the back are longer than the front. The tail is wider at the base than at the tip and has long and very dense hair.
This article is purely informative, have no power to prescribe any veterinary treatment or perform any sort of diagnosis. We invite you to bring your pet to the vet if present any kind of condition or discomfort.
The Siberian cat is hypoallergenic so equal means to cause fewer allergies than other breeds of cat but can cause allergies. The amount of secreted allergens can vary from one specimen to another. If you suffer from cat allergy before purchasing a Siberian cat found to cause allergies really do not think the issue you acquire.