Like you, pets are sometimes victims of digestive irregularities. Feed them with small amounts of canned pumpkin when the pet has constipation or diarrhea, you can help put your digestive tract back on track. Adding canned pumpkin to your diet can prevent digestive problems occur first.
Canned pumpkin and constipation. Constipation can effect of aging of your pet, as a symptom of another disease, lack of fiber in your diet or a blockage. If the pet constipation due to lack of fiber or is the result of ingested hair, canned pumpkin will increase moisture and fiber necessary to put things back on track.
Remember, however, that if your pet strives to no avail, if the abdomen is distended or hard to the touch, or if the pet is little interested in the food, then you should see the vet.
Canned pumpkin for cats with diarrhea
The body of your pet is trying to tell you something when you develop diarrhea, usually something in your digestive system that does not belong there. It can be an allergen, an infection or worm infestation, but whatever it is, your body tries to expel him. When canned food to your pet is added pumpkin, dietary fiber added to your diet, which will solidify the feces of your pet diarrhea to absorb excess water and acid stomach.
How much canned pumpkin for cats?
How much canned pumpkin should be?. A teaspoon or two will have the desired cats and small dogs effect, while only a tablespoon of pumpkin will be enough for most medium and large dog breeds. Dogs weighing more than 35 pounds can take up to 5 tablespoons pumpkin before seeing results.
Canned pumpkin and Weight Control. Canned pumpkin is composed mainly of fiber, vitamin E, and some minerals. Replacing up to one-third of normal pet food with the same amount of canned pumpkin will significantly reduce the calories you are eating.
The choice of canned pumpkin. Canned pumpkin is available in most shops and supermarkets. Be careful when choosing this type of pumpkin for your pet: want to feed your pet with pumpkin puree, not with pieces of pumpkin pie spiced pumpkin stuffing.
The filling of pumpkin pie contains sugar and spices that are not only unnecessary for your dog 's diet, but can cause digestive discomfort that is trying to avoid. Is pumpkin good for your cats? lets write on the comment below to share with other, thanks.