Enemas for catscan be applied to cats regularly elderly cats with intestinal problems and sometimes for the treatment of constipation in any cat. Enemas eliminate compacted fecal matter in the intestine, allowing a cat properly defecate.
Enema for cats
A safe solution for animals (provided by a veterinarian) is administered in the home, or by a veterinarian, in rectum cat through a catheter tube, which softens and washes impacted stool in the intestines cat.
The enema let the cat defecate, but also can temporarily cause vomiting and lethargy.
Enemas allow cats to pass stool and prevent further complications such as constipation (severely clogged intestines) or megacolon (enlarged colon due to obstruction). Enemas also relieve discomfort due to constipation.
Try using a laxative for cats (laxation, a teaspoon of oil mineral or a little milk), which can stimulate the cat to evacuate their bowels naturally. Make sure your cat consume enough fiber (add a spoonful of wet food squash).
Never use enemas formulated for humans into a cat. The solution is toxic to cats and can result in the death of your pet.
Natural Laxative for cats
The catnip is, indeed, a great resource that gives us the world of plants to remove those annoying hair balls that form in the intestines of our cat. It is a natural cat laxative we can provide in the home to prevent our cherished decorative plants, many of them are a toxic.
When we talk about catnip, we are usually making germinated seeds germinate or (depending on the format for sale) of barley, wheat or oats. In any case, the pots usually found in stores, are of the species Dactylis glomerata, thanks to their point of sweetness, it is much appreciated by cats.
A cat grass, not to be confused with a plant that has the same common name, although the effects for the cat are different: We are talking about the Nepeta cataria.
This plant, also called catmint, catnip, basil cats, catnip, Gataria, catnip or catnip, is characterized by re crazy cats with their intense aroma that contains an ingredient called nepetalactone which acts in a similar way as would a pheromone in the animal kingdom.
Cats in contact with the plant, which sniff, chew and rest regain at first become extremely playful and later become quite rare (like drugged) even to chase imaginary mice. This curious effect, fortunately, lasts at most 15 minutes.
In our Garden Center Plants Catalunya Sant Vicenç dels Horts in Barcelona you can buy the catnip that serves exclusively as a natural purgative for our cat.
Every week we bring from our suppliers in the Netherlands to ensure it reaches fresh to your homes.