Remedies to cure a cold cat - Our furry friends are catching colds and catarrh.
It is often due to a sudden drop in temperatures, but may also be due to some underlying disease.
Fortunately, in most cases, it is not anything serious, but in others, we will have no other to go to the vet for an examination.
At home we must take care not to get cold, but also with these home remedies for a cat with cold make sure you will make cat feel much better. Take note.
What is cold in cats?
The cold is an infectious viral disease usually affecting the source upper respiratory system. Their 'victims' are people, dogs, cats and of course, among others. It lasts about a week. There is no cure or medicine to prevent it, but symptoms usually resolve themselves after a few days.
Cold symptoms in cats
This is a very easy disease to identify. The symptoms that cats are virtually the same as we have us. Namely:
- A runny nose: When the virus has entered the body of the cat, one of the first things it does is irritate the nasal lining. To protect itself, the body produces mucus that the animal expelled through sneezing.
- Sneezing: this is an involuntary reflex to expel foreign bodies. Your cat will do it several times throughout the day while you are sick.
- Mouth breathing: as the nostrils are inflamed and clogged by mucus, the cat is forced to breathe through his mouth.
- Loss of appetite: to have clogged nostrils, it will cost more smell of food, so you may start eating less.
When the disease continues to progress, these other symptoms appear:
- Trouble breathing In severe cases, the lungs fill with fluid and the cat has many problems breathing normally.
- Changes in mucus: if mucus becomes darker and thicker colors, it is because the common cold has become a highly contagious bacterial infection.
- Fever: normal temperature of a cat is between 37'7ºC and 38'9ºC. If it is higher, it is because you have a fever.
Cold causes in cats
The cold is a disease that causes great discomfort to our cat, which will surely remain on the sofa, near a heat source. But what caused it? As mentioned, most often it is of viral origin. For felines, the virus most often is the cause colds herpesvirus and calicivirus, which are feline influenza.- Herpesvirus (FHV)
Threatening, the symptoms of herpes are chronic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, bronchitis, and sinusitis. Of course, if diagnosed early, recovery is almost complete. All I can be is the permanent nasal discharge, but the animal is in good health.
- Calicivirus (FCV)
The infected cat will have ulcers in the mouth or nose. Also, you have nasal secretions but are not very abundant.
Home remedies to cure colds in cats
Now that we know what the cold and what can cause, it is time to know what we can do to help our friend to feel better. It is important to know that having no vaccine against the virus, the only treatment is to relieve symptoms and treat the cat is best. That said, here are a few natural remedies that surely will serve you to feel good:
- Hot
Your furry instinctively turns away from the cold, so certainly one of the first steps we must take is to keep the home warm. Keep the windows closed, and the cat away from drafts.
If a race that has no hair, like the Sphynx, abrígalo cat clothes, so they do not get cold. It is also highly recommended to stay in a cave type bed, as they remain the more protected animal; if you have, put the heating in a closed room, and carry him there after a few minutes. Another alternative is to cover it with a blanket.
- Food
A cold cat, unable to breathe normally due to mucus, has difficulty identifying the smell of their food. When you are sick, you probably stop feeding with the same enthusiasm as before, but this is easily solved: cans for cats. They are not only much easier to eat, but they are tastier and, above all, odorous. Sure you can not resist them.
Another important point that we can not forget is the ingestion of liquids (water). For a speedy recovery should drink plenty. It must always be clean and clear because otherwise it will not be tested. Still, if you see that you do not drink, you can give chicken broth.
- Steam shower
An effective remedy for mucus flow and it can be easily removed with a tissue is to open the hot water tap of the shower and let the steam bath impregnate. Once you are, leave the cat inside for 15 minutes.
How to prevent colds in cats
Although you can not prevent a cat from getting the virus that causes cold, yes we can do some things to reduce the chance of that happening.
- Food quality
Send a feed will be very helpful quality as keep the immune system strong and healthy.
- Vaccinations
It is true that vaccines do not protect 100%, but even if they do 98%, and it is much more than anything. So, that your cat is in good health you must have all their vaccinations.
- Hygiene measures for home
To avoid getting sick is very wise to keep clean home and your dishes. The ground at least every two days to kill viruses that can be found on its surface, and food and water bowls daily.
We hope you have been helpful these home cold remedies for cat. Do not forget to give much love to you recover soon.