How much sleep do kittens need? kittens sleep 75% of the day, about 16 hours! A continuation we give you more details about it. If you see your newborn kittens spends the day sleeping or resting, do not worry! Cats are by nature very sleepy.
An adult cat sleeps 16 hours a day spread over a lot of naps spread throughout the day. There are factors that can influence these hours of sleep as heat, hunger age who have or cat. Puppies sleep, even more, 90% of the day until 3-4 weeks sleep are reduced to 60% to match the adult sleep.
Nature is wise and according to studies of feline behavior, cats as expert hunters get food quickly allowing you to sleep peacefully longer than other more clumsy animals. Scientific studies also show that during sleep your body experiences a slight drop in temperature so choose warm and sunny places to sleep. For your breaks choose different parts of the house or outside always looking for the sun and comfortable areas and soft as the bed.
Cats are very curious animals, in their sleep also affects whether they are alone or in the company. If you are surrounded by activity that "gossiping" sleep less than when they are alone or not much movement take the opportunity to rest peacefully. So when you're away from home a fail safe to throw some good naps.
Sleep stages cats
When sleeping, cats go through several phases of alternating light and deep sleep. 70% of his dream are small halters or "cat nap" dreams that are lightweight few minutes that can make sitting or be lying half, your muscles are not completely relaxed and easily aroused.
After 30 minutes of light sleep come into the deep phase or REM (30% of the rest) in which the semiconscious dreams occur with physical manifestations rapid eye movement, move the legs, claws, whiskers or ears, change in posture and even they meow.
When the cat is in the phase of deep sleep, you have the sense of alertness and brain activity as when awake, that is, you can enjoy such caresses or smell of food while asleep. There have been cases of sleepwalkers even cats that seem awake when they were asleep.
To wake
Upon waking cats have a very good habit: stretch. A gesture that helps to boost circulation and loosen muscles and joints. What is this ritual? Surely all cat owners know him well, the first yawn, stretch their legs after the front and then the back legs arching torso.