Caring for a orphan kitten care? ideally the kittens are with their mother and siblings until at least 2 months old. Important note : If you look at a litter of newborn kittens, do not we catch them immediately, we find his mother and ensure that mother is taking charge and are all in a safe and sheltered from rain and cold.
If we take babies too soon can cause health problems for the mother and health problems and behavior kitties. If we find a newborn orphaned kitten, the most important thing we have to control the first time is its temperature, we do not know how long it takes the abandoned kitten.
Read Also: How To Feed Newborn Kittens Without Mother
If too cold, first of all have to take the orphan kittens to a vet to check their health and resuscitate if necessary. At least until 3 weeks old kitten should breastfeed or bottle feed, if found a kitten of this age or younger, we know:
Newborn orphan kitten care guide
- The orphane kitten must always be in a warm place, as if he were always with her mother.
If we can not be with him in arms, we can put beside him hot water bottles surrounded by a towel so you do not burn, simulating the body temperature of your mother, or electric blankets (carefully) to moderate temperature.
It is important that the kitten receives a little heat because they are very small even when not regulate their body temperature. If we can hold him or in our lap, our body temperature will be worth, wrapping him in a towel or blanket.
- You should take a bottle every 2 or 3 hours, especially at first, then you can further delay takes to grow a little.
It is important to note that you have to add approx. 20% more water than the instructions say to avoid constipation in the kitty (it is one of the main causes of kittens muerteen infants). For the orphan kittens care, it is important that the milk is at body temperature, as if from the mother, neither too hot nor too cold, to the contrary , the kitten will not eat.
- When taking the bottle, we must put the kitten as if supported in the womb, more or less diagonal to the bottle shape.
- Normally bottles that sell often have the hole in the very tetina small, if necessary cut off the tip with scissors to leave more quantity milk.
- Careful when placing the bottle, so kitty does not swallow air, try to always get milk to the nipple.
- Kitten will want to knead with his front paws, for it put our hand, a blanket or towel . Usually they do in the breasts to stimulate milk outlet, although his mother is not, still have this reflex, which usually last for life in kittens raised without a mother.
- After each take, we must encourage the kitten to do their needs.
It is recommended to do this on a small tray with sand, so that the kitten begins to relate the tray more forward with their droppings. Massages in the gut always do after a bottle and we can also use our fingers. If these massage the kitten does their needs 24-48 hours, we go to the vet URGENTLY.
- If the kitten meows a lot, can be many things: not receive heat and feel that you are alone, you are hungry and are looking breast of his mother, or who want to eliminate.
- From 3 weeks of age or so, we can begin to give him a porridge made of feed grinding kitten with water, also at room temperate, and to alternate this with bottles of breast milk.
- This food is what can give you from month to live on, leaving wet pussy feed water to make it soft, and start eating solid at this age. We can also give cans of wet food especially for kittens that age, as we see if he keeps taking bottle or prefer this food, also because they begin teething of milk and can now take more solid food.
- We must bear in mind that it is very difficult to carry a baby without its mother, we should not be discouraged if it does not by much care we give it.
Actually the "Danger" that the kitten dies is between the first and third week of life. If it comes almost a month, has passed the worst and will have saved a life, congratulations! motherships in breeding season, during spring, summer and part of autumn.
Is likely to find new mothers (not wild) gregarious cats with litter and a cat newborn orphan.
Sometimes it is usually placed the orphan kitten with a cat who is breastfeeding and accept it very well, but we must keep in mind before the state of health of both. The orphaned kitten as the cat and her kittens to prevent infectious diseases contagious (panleukopenia, rhinotracheitis, leukemia, feline immunodeficiency).
It is also important to know that the kittens are raised without mother and siblings, need special learning, as they often have behavior problems.
The three main risks of a newborn orphaned kitten are: .
1. HypothermiaDuring the first 7 days of life, are not able to termorregular that is no ability to shiver to generate heat .
2. Hypoglycemia
They have few fat reserves and all that ingest sugars used to produce them, therefore are to limit. Glucose and liver glycogen stores are very prettily in a situation of numbness, (syndrome kitty weakened), and even hypothermia.
It will be interesting to give a glucose syrup (water and concentrated sugar) because although cats have short digestive buds in the mouth, something can get through your digestive blood.
2. Constipation
Obstructions can be very serious. Its activity is very low without his mother and obviously age. Stimulate always after the shots. Those are the main, but I certainly an orphaned kitten has a very big handicap ahead and that every day and every hour survive without their mother is a small battle won.
WARNING !! It is quite easy suffering from a pulmonary aspiration with care and bibe loong, never force intake ..
The veterinarian will evaluate the option to give an antibiotic as a preventative against the risk involved. The farmers normally use syringes (without clear needle) starting with insulin and increasing the volume according to their growth. If the kittens are hungry are they who pull the plunger.