I have seen the need to include this article what to feed newborn kittens in view of this situation often occurs: Newborn found in the street, inside a box, a bag or simply thrown to the track for some brave kittens.
First of all , dear reader: if you go around and hear a little meows or if you see a box in a corner and a lot of onlookers watching and weeping with cries crocodile, I ask: do not be like them, do not be indifferent, stop long. Stop and take those newborn kittens home. The possibility of finding good owners all is excellent.
Read Also: Orphan Kittens Care Guide
What to do then?
Chances are they are infested with fleas (who threw them into the street), so your vet gets a flea-based fipronil (Fipronex, Fiprodog, Freedog, Frontline) spray, moisten a cotton swab and rub their little bodies from head to tail.
Now it takes note of the tools that you will need:
- Hot water
- A clean towel
- 1 3/4 ounce bottle (sold in veterinary)
- Evaporated milk jar (the highest fat content)
- 1 carton box
- Cotton
- 1 3 cc syringe without needle
Although this bottle 1 3/4 is the smallest out there, I've seen many times it is even too big for kittens under 1 week old, so you'll have to do the following: during the first week and perhaps the latter removed the bottle nipple and mount it (put it) in the 3 cc syringe.
Evaporated milk is excellent for feed newborn kittens and given undiluted.
- It warms about 30 cc (depending on the number of kittens), sucking your syringe-bottle.
- Place the kitten on your leg or your knee. The natural position suction is like the Sphinx of Egypt. Do not put your back like a human BB.
- Enter the pacifier in his mouth and slowly push the plunger of the syringe with your thumb (some kittens suck so strong that the syringe plunger moves only).
- The amount to be administered is until the kitten is satisfied (and this may be more of a syringe), ie that he will release the pacifiers.
- OK, so good and now comes the fun part of all this: the kittens (and puppies) BB CAN NOT urinate and defecate BY THEMSELVES , so after each meal soaking a cotton ball with warm water and rub the area ano-genital your kittens to stimulate urination / defecation. If you do not they can die (the mother is eating who licks his urine and feces).
Frequency feeding newborn kittens
- How to feed newborns kittens under 15 days: you give them their milk every 2-3 hours (sorry, this is not negotiable or optional).
- From 15 to 30 days, every 4 hours.
- From 30 to 45 days: milk dish every 4 to 6 hours.
- Over 45 days: gradually add liver and / or heart chopped, lightly passed through hot water.
- How you realize if you're doing well ?
- Just feed newborn kittens every time you give them their milk taken with vigor and appetite (good sucking reflex ).
- Daily weight gain (if you are very careful the scales can weigh a kilo and record your weekly weight gain).
- Increased milk consumption.
The towel place it on the hot water and everything inside the carton. More or less from day 45 already can go putting his sand to defecate and urinate. The ideal age them up for adoption when they are beginning to eat, that is, about 7 or 8 weeks.
If for any reason of them does not reflect suction take it immediately to your doctor, he will know what to do in these cases.Final note
I write not asking you what to do when the kittens do not want to suck milk. My answer is always the same: RUNNING Take them to the vet. so i hope my article feed newborn kittens is helping and write your mind on the comment below.